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We are one of the most experienced Robotic Hair Transplant clinics in Chicago and the World.

ARTAS iX logo

We are the most experienced center in the Midwest offering the most advanced ARTAS iX™ Robotic Hair Transplant technology!

Under the direction of Dr. Turowski, we have translated over 1.5 million grafts using the robotic system, making us one of the most experienced robotic centers in the World.

Why Choose Us?

  • Most comprehensive and experienced FUE hair restoration center in Illinois-over 1.5 million grafts transplanted
  • Offers cutting edge ARTAS iX® robotic hair restoration AND the Neograft® automated hair transplantation
  • We will customize a minimally invasive procedure based on your specific needs
  • We utilize various donor sites – we can transplant hair not only from the back of the scalp but also other parts of the body such as your chest, arms, legs, beard, etc. all without scars
  • We can reconstruct and cover strip donor-site scars
  • We can cover not only balding spots but also traumatic, chemotherapy defects
  • We have experience with Caucasian, African American, Asian, Male, Female and Transgender patients
  • We are currently offering $500 OFF Your Hair Transplant Procedure-Call to schedule your consultation

Restore Your Hair to Its Former Fullness

Has your hairline crept back, or the top of your head lost its crown of full locks? The wide range of solutions for hair loss can leave you disappointed with varying efficacy and unnatural appearances. However, New Horizons Robotic Hair Transplant Center of Chicago offers patients a full head of hair again in Skokie and Chicago, IL at our hair restoration center. Using FUE (follicular unit extraction), we restore our clients’ beautiful hair and rectify bald spots and creeping hairlines with natural-looking results. Our hair transplantation clinic has the longest experience in the area with Neograft® automated hair transplantation, and we offer ARTAS® robotic hair restoration. These cutting-edge technologies ensure long-lasting treatment success.

laughing couple

Choose Us for Hair Restoration

New Horizons Robotic Hair Transplant Center of Chicago has been the first hair restoration center in the Windy City to offer various industry technologies to clients. We were the first to introduce the Neograft® system and ARTAS® robotic FUE hair transplantation. Our hair restoration specialists can design a procedure for you that is minimally invasive and unique to your situation and needs through our ample experience with these methods. We accomplish a full head of hair by using various donor sites to transplant hair from the back of your scalp, arms, chest, legs, beard, and other areas without scars. If you have scars on strip donor sites, we can reconstruct and cover them. Our services are available to Caucasians, Asians, African Americans, Men, and Women.

Dr. Gregory Turowski and Dr. Aditya Sood

Dr. Gregory Turowski & Dr. Aditya Sood’s Cutting-Edge Technology

Our clients receive top-of-the-line hair solutions with impressive results because we back our medical services with experience and cutting-edge industry technology. Dr. Gregory Turowski and Dr. Aditya Sood are two of the world’s most experienced robotic hair transplant surgeons. They have transplanted over two million grafts using ARTAS robot and Neograft®, and now offer ARTAS iX, the latest in robotic grafting technology.

man during hair transplant consultation

About FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) Procedures

FUE procedures are a minimally invasive treatment for hair loss, causing little pain and offering a shorter recovery time than traditional strip hair transplants. However, these procedures can last as long as eight hours or more, leaving patients and surgeons fatigued. The good news is we use the FDA-approved ARTAS® robotic system to assist our doctor in hair pulling. It increases the quality and number of usable hair follicles we gather from donor sites using a computer-assisted image guidance system. We get more precise results in a less invasive procedure with the new system. Our hair restoration center is recognized as an “ARTAS Center of Clinical Excellence,” which makes us one of a selected few centers worldwide serving as leaders in robotic hair restoration.

woman with curly hair

Schedule Your Hair Consultation Today and Get $500 off Your Robotic Hair Procedure

New Horizons Robotic Hair Transplant Center of Chicago

9843 Gross Point Rd
Skokie, IL 60076


Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM