Fall-What You Can Do About Seasonal Hair Loss
If you’ve ever noticed more hair loss when the weather gets colder, you’re not alone. It’s seasonal hair loss – some people may increasingly shed in the late fall and winter months. Many people has had experienced where the shower drain has been covered with clumps of hair that have fallen out during shower. Mild panic sets in, as people begin to wonder if this much hair loss is normal and if they need to consider alternatives for my scalp. But let’s remind ourselves that seasonal hair loss can be quite normal, and many people tend to shed a bit more in the late fall and winter months.
Our hair typically goes through three growth phases: anagen, catagen, and telogen. The anagen phase is the active growIng phase, which lasts anywhere from three to five years. Both genetics and key nutrients play a major role in the anagen process. This is what would help with the hair’s strength.
New Horizons Robotic Hair Transplant Center of Chicago has worked with the full gamut of individuals with hair loss issues, and Dr. Gregory Turowski has been leading the charge for years. Take into account the recently added stress of a global pandemic and the holiday season coming up, this is just an overall stressful time for many individuals and can contribute to more loss of hair.
So what can be done about this? New Horizons Robotic Hair Transplant Center, Director, Dr. Gregory Turowski mentions several tips and tricks. “It is best to keep your hair very hydrated, especially during the cold winter months that happen here in Chicagoland. You could use a deep conditioning mask regularly, or simply opt out of excessive heat styling during the winter.” Dr. Turowski also suggests strengthening your hair by taking supplements like Biotin, or other natural vitamins like flaxseed oil that can help with hair growth. And if you happen notice more stray hairs around your home that indicate shedding more than normal, you may want to reach out to New Horizons Robotic Hair Transplant Center for an evaluation, as it may represent a different type of hair loss.
Beyond that — Dr. Gregory Turowski and the team at New Horizons Robotic Hair Transplant Center of Chicago can work with any of your hair concerns.